Friday, October 26, 2012

Ready for the Real World

One of the key goals of our mission here at Rivers is to “prepare our students for leadership in a world that needs their talents, imagination, intellect, and compassion.” For the past seven years, Rivers has gone a step farther to prepare students for the future by arranging summer internships in local business and research institutions. These internships are specifically designed to enable Rivers students to be productive members at their respective workplaces, rather than observers as summer interns often are.

Rivers’ interns share their experiences with the rest of the community during the summer through Facebook posts and at symposia on campus throughout the fall. It is so impressive to hear what these students have accomplished at such a high level. How many high school students have been invited to present papers at national conferences? Last year, Rebecca Iafrati ’12 spoke to the American Heart Association about her research at Boston University Medical Center on the relationship between obesity and blood clots. The previous year, three interns -- Alex Post ’10, Aaron Behr ’11, and Charlie Harrison ’11 -- presented their summer research at Bruker Daltonics during a national chemistry and spectroscopy conference.

The summer internship program is just one of a number of initiatives at Rivers to make learning relevant to the 21st century – a time that requires students to think creatively and independently, and be an effective team player. Our interdisciplinary courses, leadership lab, and flipped classrooms all help give our students the skills and experiences they need to face their future with confidence.

Please click here to watch a video story about three of this summer’s science interns and what they gained from their experiences at Reactive Innovations and Bruker Daltonics.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Rivers' "Innovation Engine"

When I step back and look at the innovative environment we have developed and continue to cultivate here at Rivers, I think of our 21st Century Education focus group. Many of our recent innovations can be traced back to this group of faculty members. I affectionately call this group our “innovation engine;” it comprises faculty members who participate on a volunteer basis. They meet several times during the school year to discuss topics that are on the forefront of education. As they explore these topics, they come away with ways in which we can better live our mission at Rivers – ways in which we can innovate. One major addition to the curriculum that was originated by a member of this focus group is our Interdisciplinary Studies Department. Please take a moment to watch the following excerpt from a speech I recently delivered to a group of parents, which describes how this department started and how our Annual Fund helps support innovation at Rivers: 

If you are having trouble viewing this video, please click here.