Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Reacting to Tragedy Together

I just witnessed an amazing thing. Rivers faculty, students, and staff gathered this morning for a forty-minute assembly to honor the victims of yesterday's horrible tragedy in Boston. After a few introductory remarks, we let individual members of the community speak. Most who spoke were students. They were amazing! They talked about their fears, about the need to tell those that we love that we indeed love them, about the strength we need to fight hatred with love, about the need to support each other. Before we filed out in silence to gather at the flagpole, I told the students that I was blown away by their love and wisdom. It was a great Rivers moment, filled with honest emotion and reflection. As three students lowered the flag to half-mast, I prayed for their safety and silently thanked them for their willingness to share and be vulnerable. It is in that vulnerability that we find connection to others and strengthen our community.